Friday, June 27, 2014

smashed roast baby potatoes with yoghurt & mustard sauce

These are really quick and easy and delicious.  It's best to use baby potatoes, as they are already a great size – no cutting or peeling required.  Boil them in a big pot in salty water until they are just tender, then crush them gently with the back of a spoon until they crack open, but are still intact. Coat them with plenty of olive oil and a good seasoning of salt & pepper and add a scattering of unpeeled garlic cloves. Roast in a hot oven (200 degrees) for 25 to 30 minutes, turning them once through the roasting process to make sure they are golden on both sides, then transfer them to a serving bowl. Sprinkle with lots of fresh chopped parsley, then serve with the yoghurt and mustard sauce.

for the Yoghurt and Mustard sauce mix together :

250 ml double cream Greek yoghurt
2 heaped tablespoons good quality mayonnaise
juice of a medium size lemon
2 teaspoons wholegrain mustard
30-45 ml chopped fresh dill (or fennel fronds)
some cracked black pepper
a pinch of salt

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